Having lucid dream step by step
Lucid dreaming is a skill of being aware that you are dreaming. When you acquire this skill, you start controlling your dreams and direct them to fulfill your wildest fantasies. Having lucid dream can not only allow you to have fun but also solves problems, helps with anxiety and recurring nightmares, as well as improves cognitive skills. Acquiring this skill is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps. Here is step-to-step guide to have lucid dream.

Step 1) Remember your Dreams
You must have heard many people saying, “I don’t dream”. The fact is everybody dreams but only a few people remember their dreams. You can remember your dreams using a simple technique. Before you drift off to sleep, you must tell yourself “I will remember my dream when I wake up”. You must repeat this simple phrase over and over again until you fall asleep. When you do this for a few days, you will start remembering your dreams.
Step 2) Keep a Journal
Keep a tape recorder or a journal by your bed before you go to sleep. When you wake up, whether to drink water, begin the day, or use the bathroom, just stop and stay still. If you move, it will become extremely difficult to remember your dream. Write or record everything you remember about your dream. You must focus on colors, details, locations, people, words, or any other interesting aspect of your dream. Every detail of your dream is important. Always remember, the more serious you are about your dream journal, the easier it’ll be for you to become a lucid dreamer.
Maintaining a dream journal is the most important step to becoming a lucid dreamer. Keeping a journal not only increases dream recall but also helps in recollecting the vividness and details of the dream. It is common for people to witness a vast improvement in dream recall and dream vividness after a few entries in the dream journal.
Step 3) Reading
Make it a point to read about lucid dreaming for at least 15 minutes every day. Most people get lucid dreams just by reading about it. Most people get excited about their dream and may lose their lucid dream. However, the experience of first lucid dream is liberating and difficult to forget.
Step 4) Pay attention to detail
To be conscious in the dream world, you must pay attention to detail in the waking world. During the day, look around you and say what you see, hear, smell, or feel. When you focus your attention on the things around you, you are likely to carry this over in the dream world. For example, you check the brand and model of mobile phone you use in your waking life. When you do this check several times during the daytime, you are likely to do this check in the dream world.
Step 5) Affirmation
This step requires you to affirm to yourself that will have lucid dream. Just lay in your bed relaxed and keep repeating, “I will become lucid” or “I will have a lucid dream tonight”. Convincing yourself that you will have a lucid dream will solidify your intentions. If you don’t get lucid dreamers for a few weeks, don’t get discouraged. Just believe in yourself and you will become lucid.
Step 6) Visualize your Dream
Lucid dreaming is not difficult if you define your goals. You must decide what you want to do in your first lucid dream. If you don’t know that to do when you are awake in your dream, you will lose lucidity. Before going to sleep, visualize in your mind, what you plan to do in your dream. If you want to visit your hero, visualize yourself meeting and having a lucid conversation with your hero.
Step 7) Pick out signs in your dream
Your next step is to reality check both in your dream and in waking life. For example, you must check your hands in waking life and dreams. When you check your hands in your dream, they will usually have more or less number of fingers, or will appear bizarre or alien. When you do reality checks in your waking life, you are likely to do the same in your dream. The key to these reality checks is doing them frequently and mindfully. If you don’t ask yourself these questions in your waking life, you are not likely to ask yourself these questions in your dream. In simple words, it is the questions not the action itself that makes lucid dreaming successful.
Some of the things that you can check include light-switch, clock, text, and mirror. For example, keep checking the clock in waking life and in your dreams. The clock will usually look strange in your dream. Also, it is easy to manipulate hour and minute hand in your dream. Furthermore, when you look at the mirror in your dream, your reflection will usually be blurry, scary, or non-existent.
You can also try jumping, breathing, or poking yourself during the daytime. When you do these activities during the daytime, you are likely to repeat them in your dream. In your dream, when you jump, you can float above the ground, move in slow motion, or even start flying.
When you do reality checks several times in the daytime, it will become a habit of thought. Whenever you experience something unusual, you will ask yourself “Am I dreaming?” Once you are aware of your dream state, you can easily control your dream. Another benefit of doing reality checks is that you think of lucid dreaming throughout the day. The more you focus your attention of lucid dreaming, the more likely it is to occur.
Step 8) Relaxation
There are several relaxation techniques used by lucid dreams to stay within their dream. You must choose a technique that calms you down, allows dream spinning, and self-talk. If you realize that you are losing your lucidity, you must try to calm down and notice things around you in the dream. Dream spinning is a technique used by lucid dreamers to control their dream. When lucid dreamers feel they are losing control of the dream, they use mental spin to stay lucid.
Final Thoughts
Having lucid dream is not difficult if you follow these simple steps. However, don’t follow these steps half-heartedly. You must truly believe that you will have lucid dreams. Once you believe in yourself, you will become a conscious dreamer and you can enjoy your dreams.